Ep.73 The Academy Live Interview with Former Police Officer and WYWM Graduate Laura McKeeman
Welcome to Episode 73 of the Blue Light Leavers Podcast
Now, what we wanted to do was give you a bit of an insight into the type of live interviews we do within The Academy from Blue Light Leavers.
The Academy is a no tie in, really low fee monthly membership, and we have loads of guest speakers, including lots of cops that have moved into new roles and we talk about why and how they've gone about doing it.
We also have conversations with CV and LinkedIn experts and subject matter experts from different organisations, recruiters and all sorts and I really wanted to give you just an insight into the type of calls that we do, that are live Q and A type sessions within The Academy.
So this is a bit different to our usual podcast episode.
Laura McKeeman is a former police officer, who left policing after training through our collaboration with WithYouWithMe and is now working as a consultant in Leonardo, for WYWM.
WithYouWithMe are an organisation that were previously only open to Military Leavers, but are now open to Blue Light Leavers and they offer you a complete career path into the tech industry, that includes placements and their training is completely free.
This was an opportunity for The Academy Members to join the call and to listen to Laura's story, and then an opportunity to ask her some questions at the end, which you'll hear.
I really hope you enjoy this, and like I said, I just wanted to give you a bit of a taster as to the type of calls and the type of things that we do within The Academy that are very different from the normal Blue Light Leavers group.
Now, within this episode, we talk about what she was doing in her career in the police, and we talk about why she left and how she felt about leaving as well, and we talk about her experience of the training, and the type of training that she did with WithYouWithMe and her last day in the police service and we talk about the new environment and then she's asked a couple of questions from Academy members at the end.
I really hope you enjoy this, and like I say, if you want to join us in The Academy, then you can just go to www.bluelightleavers.com, click on Work With Me, and you'll see The Academy drop down from there.
We've had so many success stories through The Academy and I'm really proud of what we're doing, so hopefully we'll see you there.
This episode is sponsored by Motor Source Group. They offer genuine, new car discounts to serving and retired emergency services personnel, including Police, NHS, Fire and Rescue, and the Prison Service. They're completely independent, offering a full range of makes and models, and are rated excellent by their customers on Trustpilot. To find out more, go to www.bluelightleavers.com
You can join the private Facebook Group via www.facebook.com/groups/bluelightleavers
The Academy Membership from Blue Light Leavers gives you all the help you need to find your new role or career, including weekly live sessions with Andy and others who've been where you are, along with subject matter experts talking CVs, LinkedIn, interviews and much more, so if you're looking for support and want to find out more, go to www.bluelightleavers.com
Not sure what roles you can do after the police, check this out: 'What jobs can I do after the Police?' Scorecard (scoreapp.com)
You can listen to the podcast on shift, walking the dog, pottering about, and do it on your phone, desktop, laptop, or tablet, anywhere and whenever suits you, pause and play and they're all completely free!