CK Futures 

Trusted Service Provider for Blue Light Leavers


For staff to Chief Inspector level, a professional CV and LinkedIn profile, created by Charlotte Eve of CK Futures Ltd.

Charlotte is a 20+ year CV writing professional and Vice Chair of the UK Board of CV Writers.

'I write the CVs I’d want to read as an employer. Crafted to reflect your achievements and positioned to hit your career goals, your new professional CV will make it easy for employers to connect with you and feel excited about interviewing you.

Visually appealing and full of personality, your new CV will be packed full of key words and is created to zip through online screening systems (ATS). I typically create CVs for people at critical transition points of their career and as such, this involves getting to know you, finding out what you’re good at, revealing your achievements and understanding your aspirations. No two CVs are ever the same; I start from scratch, research where needed then start the creative process of writing. For this, I lock myself away, turn the phone off and immerse myself in your world and your CV – it’s the only way I know how to write. CVs vary in length from 600>2000 words and take me between 2-6 hrs to create, depending on the complexity and length of your career.'

'I create LinkedIn profiles to give you a professional online presence, build your network of contacts, connect with potential employers and enable recruiters to find you for the right roles. 1 in 3 professionals on the planet use LinkedIn.'